Senin, 19 Mei 2014

Hand sewing "skater skirt"

As I shared before about my last accident, FYI I couldn't go anywhere freely. That was such a banishment hehehe. So, I decided to made skater skirt with circle technique. Actually it's a simple technique from measuring, drawing the pattern, cutting the pattern on fabric, until sewing. But the hardest past that I've encountered was sewed the fabric. Due to I don't have sewing machine, I took hand sewing. And it took a long times.

To make this skater skirt, I need 1,5 meters fabric. With the length of the skirt is 19,5 inches and my waist is 25,5 inches. Firstly, measured my waist also the length of the skirt, then drew the pattern. After that, I cut the pattern and stick it on the fabric. And the last, sewed it. It took an hour from measuring to cut the fabric. But, it took 4 days for sewed the fabric. Actually, I've made 6 pattern that failed. Also, 6 meters fabric failed too. Totally, I finished it 2 weeks.

Here it is my own skater skirt.

Minggu, 18 Mei 2014

Wear sneakers not flat shoes while riding motorcycle

Mama just landed in Jogja from Tangerang. So, I decided to went to campus, rode motorcycle by my self even I was not in a good condition. And that was the beginning of my worst accident that I've ever had.

Saturday, 26th April, I rode motorcycle to campus at 7.30 in the morning. FYI, from home to campus I must take minimum 15 minutes. Moreover, there a lot of traffic light along the way to campus. So, I always take a shortcut which are have much speed bumps there. On that day, I took Galo street near Taman Siswa for the shortcut. Suddenly, I didn't see a speed bump so I took a sudden brake. Unfortunately, there were sand on the road which is make my motorcycle didn't restrain. Then I feel down and my feet was bloody due to I wore flat shoes which wasn't covered, my face hit the road, my body dragged along the road for 3-5 cm.

Then everybody who saw me at that time, took a help for me. Also drove me to Hidayatullah Hospital, near Galo street. Lied on hospital's bad was never as comfort as I lied on own bad, guys! One thing that frowned me, when doctor said that she must sutured :( I can't imagine how hurt it was! Cried while nurse and doctor formed a tight seam, close my eyes with my hands, and said "Allahuakbar" also istighfar.

I did't know how long the anesthetic disappear, but I know when it wore off it feel very hurt. And, yes! It was! 3 Weeks I couldn't walked normally. 3 Weeks I couldn't went away from house. But now, I do activities normally. Even though there were still scares.

I promise to my self to not ride motorcycle in a bad condition. Always focus along the way. And.... Wear sneakers not flat shoes hehehe.