Rabu, 15 April 2015

Plaid Rock

It was my very first time to accompanying my BF, Kenang for band performing. Your Favorite Haters, the name of the band was one of the guest star on The Parade (clothing expo) 2015 in Jogja Expo Centre (11/4). The Parade was one of popular expo in Jogja for youngster. So I don't wanna look ordinary. I decided to Avril Lavigne looks be. Playing with plaid skirt, and boots heels. BTW, it was my first time to bring my NX Mini out. Tried to captured every single moment there.

Minggu, 15 Maret 2015

Recapitulation moment on the beach in the early 2015

I was the girl who missed the warmth of the beach. Although, in the end I regret of being burnt by the blazing sun on the beach. I enjoyed every moment for my short holiday with mom and my lil sist. That was so many times for us to have vacation to the beach, especially Parangtritis. Even every holiday on eid fitri, my big fam always have a vacation to beach. But I never bored with beach. I also helped Kenang and his friend for took some couple photograph again and again on the beach. So, I recapitalize moment on the beach in this early 2015.

Indrayanti Beach

Indrayanti Beach

Indrayanti Beach

Location: Parangtritis Beach | Dress: Gaudi | Sunglasses: Ray-Ban | Sling Bag: Buy at Malioboro

Location: Gabare near Gua Cemara Beach

Campusmagz CGBH give positive impact to teenagers

It nice to heard that Kenang would involved me to help Campusmagz, one of good teenage magazine, which was looking for cover girls and boys. It held in Purwokerto and Semarang, previously. Then Solo and Jogja for the last city.

Kenang was getting a project to be a photographer for took picts all finalist. He also made videography during the cover girl boy hunt (CGBH). Kenang and his crews also Mas Arif (owner of Campusmagz) and his crews move to one city to another every Saturday and Sunday. That made me missed Kenang very much :( But I should give him big support for every single good thing that he love.

Solo audition for CGBH 2015 was outside my expectation. Some participant didn't show the best. Their capability of being model still haven't be sharpened. Average of them not seriously joined that competition. there were also joined because they were forced by their parents.

Neverthless, a competition such Cover Girl Boy Hunt give positive impact to teenagers. Campusmagz CGBH could be the best place for those who want to expand their talent. It has been proven by the alumni. Some of them have been creeped to profesional model.

Anyway, I give you good videos created by Kenang and his crews for Campusmagz CGBH 2015.

Sabtu, 10 Januari 2015

Where is the gabare?

It was a long day I never post something here. But anyway, I just passed my 1,5 years as college student in UPN Veteran Yk. On last term, it made me really tired of every single tasks. And I just realized that there are dark circles above my eyes. But it doesn't matter. There is more interesting thing that should be told. Before I got final exam for this term, my bf, Kenang, asked to went to a gabare in Bantul, Yogyakarta. Something that I never imagine before. What can we enjoy there?

But it was more than just a white tower. On the roof top of the gabare, we saw beautiful scene. I enjoyed the fresh air. Here they are the photos that I and Kenang took. Btw, we took a romantic photo as if it is a prewed hehe.

Kamis, 19 Juni 2014

Jogja Fashion Week 2014 "AURA"

First impression I attended JFW was "Fabulous". I never imagine children who are younger than me, they could made beautiful dresses. Day 1, A single show form Ninik N-workshop in colaboration with elementary school students, junior high school students, also vocational school students really made me proud to them. Elementary school and junior high school students drew batik with their own imagination pattern, then 24 vacational students designed all the batik fabrics into beautiful dresses.

Senin, 16 Juni 2014

Snorkeling at Umbul Ponggok

Almost a week I've not met my boyfie. He always occupied by lecture's tasks also his job. But he never forget me to make my day beautiful. He called me than picked me up from campus. In the car, there were Kenang,Bang Aab and Bang Jojo (Kenang's friends) also Kak Cahya and Kak Dwi (Bang Aab's Friends). On our way, Kenang told me that we were going to Umbul Ponggok.

Previously, I've ever heard about this place. Yaps! Umbul Ponggok is pool with cold water derived from source Ponggok. It isn't a usual pool. There are fishes also corals and sand. We can have snorkeling there guys! So it looks like sea. Unique!

Umbul Ponggok is located on Klaten. The price of admission is halpenny, IDR 4.000,00 you can swim and snorkeling, unlimited. If you don't have snorkeling masker, there are tenancies snorkeling tools. You also can lease camera under water for an hour is IDR 60.000,00.

Senin, 19 Mei 2014

Hand sewing "skater skirt"

As I shared before about my last accident, FYI I couldn't go anywhere freely. That was such a banishment hehehe. So, I decided to made skater skirt with circle technique. Actually it's a simple technique from measuring, drawing the pattern, cutting the pattern on fabric, until sewing. But the hardest past that I've encountered was sewed the fabric. Due to I don't have sewing machine, I took hand sewing. And it took a long times.

To make this skater skirt, I need 1,5 meters fabric. With the length of the skirt is 19,5 inches and my waist is 25,5 inches. Firstly, measured my waist also the length of the skirt, then drew the pattern. After that, I cut the pattern and stick it on the fabric. And the last, sewed it. It took an hour from measuring to cut the fabric. But, it took 4 days for sewed the fabric. Actually, I've made 6 pattern that failed. Also, 6 meters fabric failed too. Totally, I finished it 2 weeks.

Here it is my own skater skirt.